Who’s Saving the Animals?

Throughout any war there is always people dying. Soldiers, innocents, and children. What might be forgotten in a war is all the animals living in the affected country. Wild animals often has a way of surviving, running away over borders or to safe places. However, house pets are being left alone to die in evacuated cities. A Norwegian volunteer, Frederik Guttormsen, a data technician has travelled to Ukraine on a mission to save as many pets as possible and other animals from the ruins. The pets they are able to save from the war zones are being brought to new homes and families to take care of them. Him and his team calculated that because of the war, Ukraine has as many homeless dogs as Norway has dogs in total. For the animals they are not able to save or rescue, they leave out food in neighbourhoods so they can survive with the help of people staying in the small towns. He admits that there has been some close calls with a few bombs, however, the team understands the risk involved and everyone is determined to save as many helpless animals as possible. Without people like him there would be a lot more horrible faiths because of the war. IFAW is also one of the organizations volunteering to save animals by providing shelters and rescue centres filled with food, supplies, and veterinary services. The motivation and bravery these volunteers and organisations have is heart-warming, and one of the reasons for why I believe this war will end soon. It is not just Ukraine fighting for freedom and for their country, it is the whole world now.








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